Order a Tile
The Veterans Wall of Honor pays tribute to the men and women who served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. To be eligible for a Tile on the Veterans Wall of Honor, veterans must have served honorably or be currently serving. A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including their life.
Tile Purchase Information
The cost of a Tile is $125 each which includes engraving. Tiles are absolute black granite, 4 inches by 12 inches. Engraving is limited to three lines of 22 characters each. A space counts as a character.
To order a tile, please download a Tile Application Form per veteran to be honored.
FIRST LINE: The first line lists the veteran's name. We suggest an abbreviated rank in front of the name if it will fit. We will do our best to accommodate lengthy names.
SECOND AND THIRD LINES: Descriptive information about the individual's military service. This can include branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc.), Era served (World War II, Korea, Vietnam, etc.), dates of military service, Rank, POW, MIA
Download Tile Wording Examples to give yourself some ideas on how the individual's military service can be expressed on the tile.PRACTICE: Very few people are able to come up with the ideal way to express someone's military service in three lines of 22 characters on the first try! If you would like to experiment before finalizing your tile application, please download this Tile Application Practice Form.
Proof of Service
We will need a DD214 or the equivalent to process your application. They did not have DD214s prior to 1950, but had similar documents with different designations. An honorable discharge certificate would also be acceptable.
Listed below are a couple of websites you may find helpful in obtaining a DD214:
National Archives (Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard): National Archive Search Site
National Archives: Military Service Record Request
You may also wish to download Resources for Searching for Military Records put together by Commander John Rizzo of the Alpine VFW.
If you can't locate the equivalent of a DD214 and the veteran is deceased, we can also use a copy of an obituary or a photo of a grave marker or headstone mentioning military service.
For those currently serving, a copy of the military ID works well.